The Hunter–Bellevue School of Nursing offers a writing-assistance program called the HBSON E-Writing Center.
This service is designed to help students become better editors of their own work and develop their writing in important areas such as logical flow and organization, avoiding plagiarism, using APA format, and addressing challenges with grammar. The peer mentors do not edit papers; rather, they give students feedback on drafts before the final paper is turned in.
This free mentoring service is open to all HBSON students. Students can e-mail their written work and requests 24/7 and will receive a mentor’s response within 48 hours. Students can also meet with peer mentors in-person during weekly open hours in the library or by appointment.
This semester’s mentors are graduate students Amanda Anderson (lead peer mentor who has been doing this work for two years) and Jennifer Brown. They will also be available to students in the library on Mondays and Tuesdays from 2pm to 4pm. Feel free to contact them at [email protected] if you have any questions or requests.