CUNYfirst will be used for important processes such as course registration, degree audit and transcripts going forward. So even if you are graduating this year, you will need a CUNYfirst account to confirm your graduation! You will use CUNYfirst to register for Summer 2013 courses. If you have previously attended a CUNY school and used the CUNYfirst system, you do not need to claim your account again.
Click here for directions on how to claim your CUNYfirst account immediately. Once you claim your account, remember to write down your CUNYfirst ID (called Empl ID). You will need to know your Empl ID when seeing an advisor to obtain a class permission, etc.
How can I get help with CUNYfirst?
For more information on how to get help with CUNYfirst, visit the Get Help section of Hunter’s CUNYfirst website.
Where can I get more information? Please visit our web site. Claim your account now!